Dispute resolution

Headed by Bernard Smith, a qualified Arbitrator and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, our Dispute Resolution department has the experience and knowledge to help resolve the most complex of disputes.

One of our keys skills is the ability to review matters objectively and isolate the core issues in dispute, so that efforts can be directed where they can be most productive.  A positive approach to negotiation, backed by the authority of experience, allows our clients to assert their position without the need for aggression which might inflame an already delicate situation.

Typically we assist with disputes relating to rental values at review or renewal, but can also assist where lease terms are under review, where development is affecting adjacent properties or tenants, neighbour disputes, forensic valuations and many others.

Oldfield Smith & Co have considerable experience of working co-operatively with legal advisers at all levels and can often help clarify technical issues, so that you can be certain you are receiving relevant, accurate advice from your lawyers.

Where matters cannot be resolved through negotiation, Bernard Smith has considerable experience as an expert witness and has represented numerous clients before tribunals, arbitrators, independent experts and the Courts.

If you have a concern or dispute, call Bernard Smith now for clear, impartial and practical advice.