On the instructions of the Messrs Anthony Hart and Jon Cookson of Hilco Global Real Estate Advisory as Joint Fixed Charge Receivers - Industrial unit, office suite and yard available to buy freehold - Heathfield
Unit 4 Ghyll Road Industrial Estate, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 8AW
Overall 590.2 sq m (6,350 sq ft)
or call 01825 762222 or 0845 431 0314
Key Features:
- Rare freehold opportunity
- Popular Ghyll Road Industrial estate
- Secure, gated entrance
- Enclosed yard area
- Most recently used as a waste transfer site
- Separate office suite
On the instructions of the Messrs Anthony Hart and Jon Cookson of Hilco Global Real Estate Advisory as Joint Fixed Charge Receivers. 2 adjoining industrial units, office block and yard available to buy freehold – Unit 4 Ghyll Road Industrial Estate, Heathfield.
Ghyll Road Industrial Estate is located off Ghyll Road and provides easy access to the town centre. Other business located here include County Windows and Doors, Urban Jump and T.F.C.
The premises comprise 2 adjoining industrial units together with a separate suite of offices set in a secure gated compound. It was previously occupied by a steel company and more recently by a waste transfer company. We are advised the premises had an appropriate consent for waste transfer from the Local Authority. The building requires some refurbishment and power reinstated which is reflected in the price. In more detail the premises are arranged as follows:
Gated entrance to fence enclosed site
Building 1
‘L’ shaped internal width 21.7m (71′ 3″) x 12.5m (41′) plus 10.6m (34′ 9″) x 3.3m (10′ 9″) overall 306.2 sq m (3,295 sq ft) within this space has been fitted 2 cloakrooms, stairs to
Mezzanine floor 3.8m (12′ 6″) x 2.9m (9′ 6″) 11.0 sq m (119 sq ft) fitted with sink unit
Total usable area building 1 including mezzanine floor – 317.2 sq m (3,412 sq ft)
Building 2
Internal width 12.8m (42′) x 15.1m (49′ 6″) overall 193.3 sq m (2079 sq ft)
concertina door to front, Perspex roof panels providing natural light
Adjoining offices:
Door to inner lobby with door to large understairs store, stairs to first floor, door to
front room 3.3m (10′ 9″) x 3.1m (10′) – 10.2 sq m (108 sq ft) corridor leading to:
kitchen 2.0m (6′ 6″) x 1.8m (6′) – 3.6 sq m (39 sq ft) fitted with stainless steel sink unit, base units & worktop. Separate cloakroom.
Rear room ‘L’ shaped 3.0m (9′ 9″) x 5.9m (19′ 3″) plus 1.0m (3′ 3″) x 2.2m (7′ 3″) – 19.9 sq m (212 sq ft) door to rear
1st floor irregular shape 10.0m (32′ 9″) x 3.3m (10′ 9″) plus 1.8m (6″) x 2.4m (7′ 9″) plus 3.9m (12′ 9″) x 2.4m (7′ 9″) – 46.0 sq m (498 sq ft)
Overall office area 79.7 sq m (857 sq ft).
Total overall area between units and offices 590.2 sq m (6350 sq ft)
Externally there is a good size yard area with ample car parking, lorry turning etc.
Offered for sale freehold on an unconditional basis.
Rateable Value: £20,000
EPC Rating: D
Potential Broadband Speed:
Based on the postcode, Ofcom indicate that the fastest available broadband speed is:
Download 1000Mb/s
Upload 1000Mb/s
Note: This information is given as a guide only and without liability. Speeds are not guaranteed. The provision of a Broadband connection is not included in any property unless specifically stated. Applicants should verify available speeds with their chosen supplier.