The premises occupy a prominent position in the centre of the village, adjoining the village stores and opposite the new Coop store. There are a number of businesses in the immediate vicinity including a news agent, and vets.
In more detail the premises are arranged as follows:
Main shop internal width 4.1m (13′ 6″), depth 4.0m (13′) plus 2.5m (8′ 3″) x 1.0m (3′ 3″) overall 18.9 sq m (204 sq ft) fitted with ceiling track and spot lighting, carpet. Wide opening to:
Rear section 3.3m (10′ 9″) x 3.9m (12′ 9″) – 12.9 sq m (137 sq ft) window to rear, carpet, door to corridor with further doors to:
Rear store/office 3.6m (11′ 9″) x 2.8m (9′ 3″) – 10.1 sq m (109 sq ft) window to side, alcove store cupboard
Kitchen 2.0m (6′ 6″) x 3.2m (10′ 6″) – 6.4 sq m (68 sq ft) fitted with sink unit with cupboard under, lino flooring, door to outside.
Cloakroom/shower room fitted with low level wc, corner shower unit and hand wash basin.
Total overall area including kitchen 48.3 sq m (518 sq ft)
Basement 3.6m (11′ 9″) x 5.1m (16′ 9″) overall 18.4 sq m (197 sq ft) height 1.9m (6′ 3″)
Total overall area including basement 66.7 sq m (715 sq ft)
New lease available, length to be agreed on normal proportionally full repairing and insuring basis.
Based on the postcode, Ofcom indicate that the fastest available broadband speed is:
Note: This information is given as a guide only and without liability. Speeds are not guaranteed. The provision of a Broadband connection is not included in any property unless specifically stated. Applicants should verify available speeds with their chosen supplier.