Town centre location, just off The High Street. Former taxi office to let.
Internal width 2.58m (8′ 6″)
Depth 4.8m (15′ 9″)
Overall 12.4 sq m (134 sq ft)
Fitted with strip lights & carpet. There are no cloakroom facilities or running water
New lease available, length to be agreed on normal full repairing and insuring basis.
Rateable Value: £2,850 (April 2023)
EPC Rating: EPC commissioned
Potential Broadband Speed:
Based on the postcode, Ofcom indicate that the fastest available broadband speed is:
Note: This information is given as a guide only and without liability. Speeds are not guaranteed. The provision of a Broadband connection is not included in any property unless specifically stated. Applicants should verify available speeds with their chosen supplier.