Following our success in negotiating a reduction in business rates for traders in Uckfield High Street affected by the ongoing roadworks, Oldfield Smith & Co is delighted to confirm that we have secured agreement to a similar reduction in Hailsham, where roadworks have recently commenced.

Bernard Smith FRICS, Director and Head of Professional Services
In both schemes, traders in the affected areas will be awarded an automatic discount, without the need for any application, form filling or other formal procedures. Traders in Hailsham will shortly receive a letter from the Valuation Office Agency, who are responsible for the setting of business rates, to confirm their inclusion in the scheme and the rate of discount being applied. For most businesses in the High Street, this will be 15%, with 10% in the surrounding zone and 5% at the periphery of the roadworks.
Director and Head of Professional Services, Bernard Smith said “this is good news for Hailsham retailers who, like their counterparts in Uckfield, have been badly affected by a road closures and other adverse matters relating to town centre improvements. Although clearly not a complete answer to these issues, it does reduce outgoings for some of the most badly affected. By agreeing a general scheme in this way, there is no delay in reducing business rates bills and the costs of a multitude of individual appeals is avoided”
Business in both the Uckfield and Hailsham schemes remain able to lodge an appeal for a further reduction, if there are circumstances which result in the adverse affect of the works being greater in respect of their own premises than the surrounding buildings. For traders who feel this may apply, there is a useful FREE help sheet available to download in the resources section of our website, by clicking >>here<<.