Former Costa Coffee premises in Heathfield High Street now Let

27th March 2023

Oldfield Smith & Co. have let the former Costa Coffee premises at 83 High Street Heathfield. The previous tenant, a Costa Coffee franchisee decided not to renew their lease having been in occupation for some considerable time.

83 High St, Heathfield now let via Oldfield Smith & Co.

The premises comprise a good size High Street retail shop in an extremely prominent part of Heathfield High Street. It is arranged to provide for a front, middle and rear section with the shop having a total usable area of 112.1 sq m (1200 sq ft). It is  fitted with ceiling spot lights, ceiling mounted air conditioning units and wood laminate flooring. To the rear are 2 separate cloakrooms, each fitted with low level wc and wash hand basin, one suitable for disabled persons and including baby changing facility.  There is a further prep area and store area to the rear having a usable area of 31.1 sq m (335 sq ft) providing a total overall area of 143.2 sq m (1535 sq ft).

We are delighted to have successfully this unit having been instructed alongside another agent.

We are still seeing a great demand for retail space in the towns and villages in the area against limited availability.  If you have space available or are considering relocating please do get in touch with our Agency Department on 01825 762222.

