Prominent location in Crowborough High Street adjoining Wealden Funerals offices and directly opposite branches of Santander bank & Boots chemists. Other businesses close by include a wedding boutique and Wetherspoons public house at Crowborough Cross. The property is close to the main A26 Tunbridge Wells road at its junction with the High Street and London Road.
Shop overall 23.3 sq m (248 sq ft) fitted with modern shop front having full length windows with suspended ceiling and inset spot lighting and tiled floor. Wide opening to
Rear area overall 15.4 sq m (165 sq ft). Door to small lobby with door to cloakroom having low level wc plus hand basin.
Total overall area 38.7 sq m (413 sq ft)
New lease, length to be agreed on normal proportionally full repair and insuring basis.
Rent £9,500panow reduced to £8,500pa for early letting
Based on the postcode, Ofcom indicate that the fastest available broadband speed is:
Note: This information is given as a guide only and without liability. Speeds are not guaranteed. The provision of a Broadband connection is not included in any property unless specifically stated. Applicants should verify available speeds with their chosen supplier.